Friday, January 9, 2009

My Love Language

So, a while back my church did a Sunday school class series on the different love languages. It was really fascinating. It made me realize a few things about myself.

Here's a brief review on what a love language is: A Love language is divided into 2 parts, giving love, and receiving love. I will focus on the latter. The love we receive goes into a "love tank" and the love we give comes out of that same "tank." When a person does not receive love, that "tank" gets low, and after a while the "tank" becomes empty. During this time, a person can become bitter, and start rejecting any love that might come in.

My love language is Words of Affirmation, meaning, I "receive" love in the form of compliments.

I believe my trust issues triggered everything (refer to previus post). Because I don't trust people, I involuntarily reject love. When someone gives me a compliment I get excited, and it makes me happy for a brief moment, but then this voice insisde me says "They didn't mean what they said. They were just being nice." My love tank wasn't getting filled up and this (apparently) in turn caused me to reject love even more. This made me realize why I am such a cynical realist.

When you reject love, you're just digging a bigger pit of bitterness for yourself because the love tank never receives love and therefore stays empty.

If you read my previous post, you'd know that I do not trust people at all. BUT, according to this, I need to have at least a little trust in people. We are commanded to love in the Bible. And if we have no love in our love tank, then we cannot give love to God and others.

So what I've learned is that I need to take what people say, and take it as a bit of love they are giving me. And If my love tank is getting low, It might mean that I am not giving enough love to others. Love works both ways. Think about it. If you poured love into someone 24/7, but they never did anything back would you keep pouring love into them? Granted, some people would, but not many.

hm...idk what to do my next post on...


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Prayer and Faith

So I have this problem. I don't trust people. Like at all. Whenever someone tells me I'm pretty, or says "Good Job" I always think they are lying. I've moved alot, and have had a zillion people come and go in my life and I've just learned not to really get emotionally attatched. I've been dissapointed by almost everyone I've known, so that's why I don't trust people. But it hit me the other day. Do I really trust God? I know I believe in him and I'm so thankful for everything He's done for me, but do I really trust Him with everything that's in me? Whenever I pray, I really don't expect for what I've asked to really happen. Habbit? I think so. I set myself up for dissapointment so often that I'm starting to do that with God.

Why did the disciples and apostles and all the other believers in the New Testament have miracles happen? Why were their prayers almost always answered with a yes? It was because they prayed with faith. They knew God had the power to answer their prayers and they believed that he would. Granted, God does not always answer our prayers the way we want Him to, but we should still be praying with faith. Prayers without faith are only half-hearted prayers.

While it's good that our faith and trust shouldn't be in mere humans, we still need to have trust in God. Only He can see the big picture and we need to trust that He's got it all under control because He really does. It may feel like our world is falling apart and nothing is going right, but the Bible says he only gives us what we can handle. We may not think we can handle it, but He gives us the strength to go on when we don't have any strength left. And through our trials, we become stronger, more secure, and we aquire the ability to help those going through the same situations.

Just some thoughts swirling through my head. haha. Comment!


Monday, January 5, 2009

For starters...

I am a senior in high school and I am highly critical of everything I see, yet I am not overly critical to the point of arrogance. I can find joy in the small things, and hope behind the shadows. I like to write stories, poems, and other tidbits, but this blog will be used for the sole purpose of getting my thoughts out on certain situations. Hope you enjoy it. Comments are Love.
